Discover the charm of mounted plants – a unique and space-conserving way to display your greenery.
Perfect for small spaces, mounted plants turn walls into lively art pieces.

Materials needed:

  • Plant of your choice

  • Wooden board

  • Moss (sheet or sphagnum)

  • Fishing line or twine

Choosing the Right Plant

While originally used for Staghorn Ferns or Epiphytes, nowadays, any plant works for mounting. For a striking wall display, consider trailing plants like Pothos, Hoya, Dischidia, Syngonium, trailing Philodendrons, Ferns, or Ivy. If trailing plants aren't your style, compact options like Rex Begonias or Bromeliads work well too.

Mounting Your Plant

Remove excess soil from your plant, leaving a small soil ball covering the roots. Trim roots if necessary.

  1. Place the plant on the board in the middle of the nails and arrange it as desired.

  2. Wrap the plant with moss, ensuring soil and roots are fully covered.

  3. Secure the plant to the board by wrapping fishing line repeatedly around and across the nails, ensuring it’s tight and stable.


Water your mounted plant as you would a potted plant, either by taking it down for watering or submerging it, being mindful of the board and moss by not applying hard pressure.


Moss when dried turns brown, with consistent moisture the moss will return to its natural green color.